Embed mode

Embed mode currently supports only for limited partners who have a reasonable design to embed our center into their application. If you are looking for embedding our Center into your software, feel free to drop us an email to info@doopage.com which describe your reason and your domain to embed our Center.

Example HTML code:

<iframe src="https://center.doopage.com/?embed=true"></iframe>


  • embed = true (required)

  • viewMode = single | multiple (optional) Display multiple chat mode or single chat mode. Default is user recent chosen.

  • companyId = <company_id> (optional) Load a specified company. If not provided, user recent authorized company will be displayed.

  • disableInboxList = true | false (optional) Hide inbox list, this is useful when combining with i parameter below. Which does not allow user to switch to another inbox. Default is false.

  • i = array of inbox_id separated by comma (optional) Open these inboxes by default.


Embed a multiple chat UIs to your website that will auto open a inbox with id 174794

<iframe src="https://center.doopage.com/home?embed=true&i=174794&viewMode=multiple"></iframe>

Last updated